Luke Chapter Sixteen (Money)

Chapter Sixteen is a challenging chapter for every person on earth. Specifically people in modern 21st century America because of our abuse of money and pursuit of power. Jesus makes it very clear that man cannot serve both God and money. The primary way for this passage to be applied in the life of a Christian is to fight with your entire being to pursue debt free living.

For those in debt, God calls us to be so much more than who and what we are in our current situation. For those blessed to be born and those blessed to exist in a life where finances have never been an issue or burden… your path is much more difficult. What I mean is that the fight to not be consumed by your money through luxury and comfort will be a fight that Jesus himself recognizes as being nearly impossible alone. Only by allowing God’s Will to fully consume you can you break the chains that convince you to worship money and things of this world. My advice, strategically control your finances and every dollar you obtain by ridding yourself completely of financial debts and tithing a portion to your local church. Force yourself to live below your means. Force yourself to choose God over money daily.

God Bless,

James Arthur Ferguson

PS- If you have never read Andy Stanley’s “Deep and Wide” I highly recommend it. Applying Christian teachings and principles to unchurched people seems an impossible task, but that is exactly what Andy and his Team took on in the formation and movement of North Point Ministries.

Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend

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